Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Long Time No Post...

Ok, so I obviously am not very good at the whole blogging thing, but I'm trying. Since my first and only post, my book has been released and I have two more in editing. The one that's out is still only in e-book format but is widely available. It's called "You Can't Go Home Again" and lists as a contemporary erotic romance. If you want to see the cover or read the excerpt check out my website www.aubriannahunter.com
Also, the two that are coming soon are titled "Siochain" (Shee-o-kahn) and  "Strictly Business". No word yet on the release dates, but I will keep you posted. I promise! You can also find excerpts from these on my website as well! Enjoy, and happy reading!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Getting Published

Hello All,

Yesterday I got an email that my book was accepted for publishing by Sugar and Spice Press. No idea when it will be ready, but I am beyond excited! I have already submitted my contract and I am waiting for the editor to be assigned. Keep an eye out! It's going to be in E-books first, and then it will be in print! The title is "You Can't Go Home Again" 
In the meantime, read anything by Kresley Cole! She is an amazing author, especially her Immortal After Dark series!
Enjoy and we'll talk to you soon!